Title: What Lies Beneath
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/whatlies.zip
Size: 9.27 MB
Date: 07/02/23
Author: ViolentBeetle, Muumi, LordEntr0py, Pegleg, DFF, WeirdSandwich, Dac, myolden and Shawny
Description: What Lies Beneath is a private project made by some of the contributors in Hellevator, Skulltiverse and Solar Struggle community projects. It features 11 maps created

You have heard rumors of demonic activity in an old gothic mansion. But there's more to it than meets the eye. Time to find out... What lies beneath.

This is an MBF21 project using a lot of custom decorations created in Dehacked. It's primarily tested in DSDA-Doom, and should run correctly on all MBF21-compatible ports, including newer versions of GZDoom
Credits: The wad mainly uses 32-in-24-15tex texture pack and decoration spites from Realm667. Additional textures are procured from various sources, mainly Doomworld's "share your textures" thread. Intermission pictures made by Muumi, custom sprite made by BluePineapple72

Full credit breakdown, including individual mappers and MIDIs, as well as graphics, can be found in credits.txt inside the archive, and the lump of the same name in the wad itself. In addition graphics within the WAD have marker lumps to help identify their origin.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About 8 months
Editor(s) used: UDB, SLADE3, Eureka
Bugs: There's no known bugs when ran on a correct port with correct compatibility (cl 21), but a few obvious compatibility issues were discovered. In GZDoom they should be stamped out with ZMAPINFO setting, however there's no guarantees. If you have any of the following, check your compatibility:

- Trees don't appear on the front yard in MAP01 (Dead giveaway your port is old)

- Staircase on MAP03 assembles incorrectly and yellow key is inaccessible

- You fall through the railing in the generator room on MAP04, or later in the same map - through a forcefield

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