Title: Witness Of Time
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/witness.zip
Size: 1.64 MB
Date: 08/29/17
Author: Nicolas Monti
Description: After some time far from the doomworld I return with this episode, it is like favillesco alpha regarding to visuals mixed with mano laikas gameplay with its doom2 bestiary and rocket launcher induced combat, I'm kind of addicted to those alpha textures so I made 9 more maps with them and also allowed myself to make some theme variation like the tunnels of map03 or the tech neighbourhood of map07. Next time I'll make something completely different, I hope it won't take much time.
Credits: Doomkid Benjogami Salt-Man Z WH-Wilou84 Man Q. Bus The Mysterious Moustachio Pirx dobu gabu maru Plusw Tango Deadwing Impboy4 Memfis rehelekretep 40oz rdwpa Ribbiks gaspe stasiowygrzybek

For playtesting, pointing out bugs, giving support and valuable criticism, helping to a more polished final version.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 40 days + some weeks for playtesting and bug fixing
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder, Slade, Doomword.
Bugs: Some slime trail might appear

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