Title: Woody's World Episode 4 (a)
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/woodyworlde4.zip
Size: 42.46 MB
Date: 08/08/23
Author: Michael Woodall
Description: A 4 level episode (levels 21-24). A varied set of maps, puzzles and challenges! Ride to the Top in "Ascension"! Explore the many pathways in "Crossing Caverns"! Can you survive and get out of Jail in "Prison Escape"? and plan an evening to complete the enormous "Return to Aquaworld"!
Credits: id software,Emily W, JohnR60, Wo0p, Yousuf Anik, JonExMachina, Tangra666,BuyXRays,captain ventris,firewarden1000, and bigbad75 for Beta testing
Base: New levels from scratch
Build time: 80 days
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder ZDoom-UDMF format.

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