Title: Wretched Flesh
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/wretchedflsh.zip
Size: 2.23 MB
Date: 07/18/22
Description: Summary --------------------------- Wretched Flesh is a 5 level Doom2 mapset that requires a Boom-compatible source port. It uses a dehacked patch to make gameplay modifications. All maps take about 20-30 minutes to UV-Max. All maps have at least 1 big arena fight. Difficulty settings are implemented. MAP01 "Outstanding Dues": A city inhabited by demons. MAP02 "Core Foundry": A concrete mega-factory with undead laborers. MAP03 "Aortic Anomaly": Shamble through a remote town that contains a portal to places unknown. MAP04 "Powers That Be": Perform some cost-cutting measures in the Anomaly's executive region. MAP05 "Matters of Heart": Enter the Anomaly's core and bring about a forgone conclusion.

Story --------------------------- The anthropocene has come to an end. The demons have complete control over Earth. Humans that were not outright killed were kept alive for macabre rituals. A curiosity these sacrifices demand is that the victim must be healthy and well fed. This will prove to be their undoing. You've used your recovered vitality to train stronger than you ever were before. If anyone can stop this it would be you. A debt is being collected tonight. DeHacked --------------------------- The situation has evolved since you last took up arms against the demons... While you were in demonic custody, you took the liberty to train with your FISTS. You have developed a combo; quick left hand jabs followed up by a powerful haymaker. REFLEXES are without a doubt the most important skill in your profession. You are able to consistently catch a fly between your index finger and thumb after all your training. You will be able to switch your weapons faster, especially to your fists and the rifle. Your PISTOL was lost when you were captured, but the RIFLE that your prison guard carries look like a suitable replacement. Their rifles fire an accurate double round burst with each pull of the trigger. Snazzy. The UAC CHAINGUN had to be routinely cleaned and often needed parts replaced. Somehow, you doubt the demons have been taking good care of these fragile weapons. They've also made some illict modification to make it shoot faster. Expect a faster fire rate but slower spindown times. The rifle will be your goto for long distance engagements. Your undead FORMER HUMAN comrades have also been training it appears. They now fire 2 shot volleys, making them a doubly more deadly threat.
Credits: Credits --------------------------- Nick Baker for the "Useful Flats" texture pack and Gothic for "Patched up Textures"(PatchTex). Both can be found on Realm667. Kuro_mahoh for his sky textures: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/119181-kuros-sky-textures/ BossBrain sprites come from this gif: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:CG_Heart.gif Fist sprites from this thread https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=50920 Heartbeat Sound - https://freesound.org/people/InspectorJ/sounds/485076/ Monolith Productions for Blood, which I took the health bonus sprites from. Dioxine for some sprites. Large Cat for playtesting. Id Software for their game engine <3.

Midi list --------------------------- Titlescreen: "Opening to Hell" from Doom 2 - Robert Prince Intermission: "Untitled" from Doom - Robert Prince Intermission text: "The End of Doom" from Doom - Robert Prince MAP01: "Triangular Currents" - pcorf https://www.paulcorfiatis.com/music.html MAP02: "The Demons from Adrian's Pen" from Doom - Robert Prince MAP03: "Bigfoot" from Command & Conquer Red Alert - Gecko Yamori https://www.vgmusic.com/file/2497b3939c93815d1629ae9b7a59ae88.html#disqus_thread MAP04: "DOOM" from Doom 2 - Robert Prince MAP05: The Underworld from Quake II - Jay Reichard https://www.vgmusic.com/file/ebd39719279a44ed8e77cf952c0b262e.html#disqus_thread
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About 3 months of on and off work
Editor(s) used: Slade3, UDB, GIMP
Bugs: None

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