Title: Popcorn Panic
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/xyzscrap.zip
Size: 146.5 KB
Date: 04/29/20
Author: Xyzzy01
Description: Yay, fourth anniversary of mapping! This map used to be part of a larger project I may or may not be working on still; it's so old that my standards for said project had changed over time to the point that this map (and my vision for it) stood out in a negative way. Would not recommend playing in GZDoom if you value your ears...
Credits: iD Software of course, Redead-ITA for the GB sprite of Xerxes, whoever made "D_E2M1.MID" from dtwidmus.wad, whoever else I'm missing that feels the need to be credited *shrugs bluely*
Base: CONF256A.WAD
Build time: ...I honestly don't remember ._.
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder, Slade, Microsoft Paint, Whacked4
Bugs: Dunno, there's probably something I missed when I took this map out of a larger project.

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