Title: YUM
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/yum.zip
Size: 2.83 MB
Date: 11/09/22
Author: Meowgi
Description: Yum.wad is a short mapset made during nanowadmo 2022 with each map designed around various single fight setups as well as platforming challenges when launched with -nomonsters. The idea is to allow the player to inspect the fights prior to starting them, so they know which monsters will be placed prior to starting with no surprises or gimmicks.

Please note: The intended difficulty is Ultra-Violence, where the fight balance is (hopefully) finely tuned for a skilled player. If you are having trouble with a particular map/fight, the difficulty settings only affect the amount of health/armor given when dropped to Hurt Me Plenty, and sometimes a more powerful weapon on the Easy difficulties. If you are struggling on UV, there is absolutely no shame in attempting the map on HMP, then coming back to UV when you've worked out a strategy!

Creating this was mostly a mapping exercise for me; A way to work within specific limitations when building a map in order to focus on non-slaughter fight geometry and balance (as well as voodoo trickery).
Credits: Playtesters: 4shockblast, akolai, Colossus, Daerik, petyan, MasterMedi, Rayziik

SoBad for this incredible video which partly inspired the creation of this wad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liZYXIw3k_g

The creators of cc4-tex-extended
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 16 days
Editor(s) used: UDB, Slade, GIMP, Whacked4
Bugs: None

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