Title: Zeramida
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/zeramida.zip
Size: 674.51 KB
Date: 10/09/20
Author: galileo31dos01
Description: Short map in a desert reminiscent to EPIC/Epic 2 wads thematically and difficulty wise. Based on a dream I had several months ago about being trapped in a brown bricked dungeon or something with imps and sergeants ahead in an awkward tight space, while outside the view of two twin forts and nothing but sand and stars around, oh and a big wall in the middle. The ending result is a lot more substantial but the dream parts were recreated almost to perfection, aside from detailing.

The title of the map is ficticious, don't waste your time googling it. Basically a convoluted word by mixing "Zeliard" (an old RPG/platformer from my childhood) and "pyramid", an excuse to invent a name that starts by letter z, altogether forms the name of the desert you're in.

--- Jumping and crouching aren't disabled, but are still unencouraged. Use them if you wish at your own risk of breaking stuff ---

Monster placement remains the same on UV and HMP, while your first tool upgrade is either a berserk or an SSG respectively (the second is absent on skill 4). Health and ammo are also more prominent on lower skills. HNTR has slightly less enemies here and there, though keeping the teeth more or less. They all have been fully tested saveless with and without secrets.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 weeks, I'm a snail
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder Bug fix, SLADE, WhackED, paint.net
Bugs: None that I'm aware of

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