Title: Altier 6 & Insanity
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/altier6.zip
Size: 946.13 KB
Date: 01/15/97
Author: Keith Hickman
Description: Built for Doom2 v1.9 A Co-Op ONLY wad pack.
Credits: id for Doom2 Olivier Montanuy for Wintex 4.1 Matt Tagliaferri for DoomCAD 6.1 Jack Vermeulen for DeeP 7.5 node builder Jens Hykkelbjerg for Reject Map Builder
Base: Two new levels from scratch.
Build time: Est.60 hrs
Editor(s) used: DoomCAD 6.1, Deep 7.5 for Nodes,RMB for reject map Wintex 4.1 for additional graphics,
Bugs: Think I got all the vis plane errors resolved ;-) Oh yeah...this wad WON'T save. Just too damn big.
Rating: (12 votes)

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Really good level only played the first level as the second has a co-op exit. The first level is a really good designed city level for 1997 and it is very challenging especially at the beginning with all the imps teleporting in and you with only a pistol very highly recommended. x
I love urban wads FANTASTIC JOBx
fuckin coolx
Two levels dated October 1996, originally intended for co-op, but good fun single-player; they would have been tricky in 1996, now they're fairly undemanding but there's a lot of action. Map01 is a classical space-base stroke town, large and fun to explore. 288 baddies, one good trap. Map02 is a bit of a let down, it's just a big long segmented corridor culminating in a Romero head battle, although it's still not bad fun. Looks rough, but nostalgic.x
didn't cheat on SP[see text],but still had an hour of fun with this.some of the new textures were very good,but the the teleporters on map 2 were excellent.4.5[5]/5x
Cool! Great city level with nice sky, new sounds and a lot of action. The second level is ok. 4/5 - Optimusx
superb! a spictaculer coop and if you use powerfull new guns with it its also good on won player try it! x

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