Title: Am I Evil?
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/amievil.zip
Size: 138.85 KB
Date: 06/10/97
Author: Alex Welikanov Ilya Britvich
Description: Cooperative construction with mail help. For the basis of a level there was taken deathmatch level made by Ilya. 4 branches have added to this level. Each of us created till two branches. What is the result? We wait for your comments.
Credits: Id Software. Ben Morris for DoomConstructionKit Emil Brundage for the music from end1.wad(greate DOOM1 levels) Andrey Ryabov-deathmatch playtesting.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: one month
Editor(s) used: Alex:DCK 2.2, Nwtpro, Corel PhotoPaint Ilya:DCK 3.62, Nwtpro
Bugs: None that we know of, but we haven't done too much testing
Rating: (7 votes)

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I really don't like it Also, I like difficult wads, but in some points it's simply impossiblex
cool '97 map, the tiny pyramid with teleporting monsters was really fun with the rocket launcherx
cool play this once no morex
Way better then crappy.x
Pretty crappy, but stylish. Excellent music choice. / Grulx

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