Area 51, The militarys not so top secret base
in Nevada, rumored to be the high tech research
center and holding area for aliens, has cut
off communications with unnamed high ranking
officials in Washington DC.
We are sending you in alone to investigate armed
with latest technology. You will have a security
pass bio-chip inserted under your skin so you can
enter all tightly controlled ultra secure areas.
The bio-chip will allow you to get through the bio-
scanners without tripping the alarm. However,
If it is damaged or exposed to high levels of
radiation it may not work. Also, It is untested
on the gene scanner under construction there. Try to
aviod this area if possible. If you trip an alarm
try and find an escape route pronto. It is possible
the compound houses a UFO. This may be your only means
of escape once you enter AREA 51!
id for DooM2,
Olivier Montanuy for Wintex
Matt Tagliaferri for DoomCAD 6.1
Jack Vermeulen for DeeP 8x node builder
Robert Renske, Jr for Warm 1.6 node builder
Jens Hykkelbjerg for RMB
Sam Lopresti for status bar
Bill Zimmerman for fence texture and ammo box (Urban Deathmatch 3)
Shamus Young for window frame
Garth Donovan for Security Driod, Chaingun modification, misc wall textures and sounds.
New level from scratch
Build time:
100+ Hrs est.
Editor(s) used:
DoomCAD 6.1, Dcad, Deep 8x for Nodes,RMB for reject map
Wintex 4.3 for additional graphics,sprites, etc.
Paint Shop Pro. Warm 1.6 for final node build.
You CAN'T play "Area 51" on skill level 1 or2. A key sector won't lower. I attribute this problem to a buggy "beta" level editor I started to use in the early stages of level building. :-( Think I got the dreaded Vis plane error resovled though. :-) Find anything else E-mail me.