Title: Assault On Outpost 13
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/asslt13.zip
Size: 49.78 KB
Date: 03/15/98
Author: Andrew Orman
Description: It's been 24 hours since the Phobos and Deimos bases disappeared. Reports have been coming in from all over the Earth of "demons" appearing from thin air and swamping UAC installations. Everybody is on edge. Outpost 12 reported a massive attack force, but then communcation was cut. Your job is to secure the base and fend off any attack. Good luck soldier!

Note: The idea of this level is basically to SURVIVE by using your head and watching your ammo. Note that the exit switch is OUTSIDE the base, but it can only be raised by a switch INSIDE the base. If you want out, you're gonna have to work for it!
Credits: iD for the greatest game of all time. Tip of the hat to John Carpenter.
Base: s disappeared. Reports have been coming in from all over the Earth of "demons" appearing from thin air and swamping UAC installations. Everybody is on edge. Outpost 12 reported a massive attack force, but then communcation was cut. Your job is to secure the base and fend off any attack. Good luck soldier!

Note: The idea of this level is basically to SURVIVE by using your head and watching your ammo. Note that the exit switch is OUTSIDE the base, but it can only be raised by a switch INSIDE the base. If you want out, you're gonna have to work for it!
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DOOMED The Real Thing v4.2
Bugs: None (known) :)
Rating: (3 votes)

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This map is quite a damn good experiment, especially considering its from 98.4/5x
It's an interesting idea - a castle map in reverse. You defend an output from over 400 monsters that teleport into the grounds that surround it. You can seal off the fort and hold them off, although it's not too hard to wade out and kill 'em all. The fundamental problem is that, if you don't fire a shot at the start of the level, you can walk into the base, activate the exit switch, walk out, and end the level. Otherwise it's a fun slaughter-style map.x
This is a cool idea for a wad, especially if you're a John Carpenter fan. Unfortunately, after the first time playing it it becomes too easy, because you know where the switch outside is going to be raised. After killing some of the monsters you can just run outside and turn the whole thing off long before you're supposed to be able to end the game.x

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