Title: astro.wad for doom2
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/astro.zip
Size: 75.41 KB
Date: 08/06/97
Author: Brandon Phillips
Description: 8 levels of pure fun and carnage
Credits: Tom Shelley taught me how to use
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Doomed 4.0 and your mama:)
Bugs: some textures are messed up and I didn't work very hard on doors. the main point is fun.
Rating: (3 votes)

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Well, the oldie part is accurate anyway. There's nearly 0 height variation, everything is cut in 90-degree angles, and the maps are sloppily textured without any real sense of place. Gameplay is kinda fun though if you rush through, and the levels are short. x
Wow...oldie but a goodiex

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