Title: |
Living Quarters |
Filename: |
levels/doom2/a-c/base03.zip |
Size: |
9.56 KB |
Date: |
01/30/95 |
Author: |
Jonathan Masseo |
Description: |
You've entered a group of structures. You know that you're gonna have to blast your way through. You'll have to get to the telepad. You've spotted it, you just need the keys! |
Credits: |
Myself, for not going crazy. My brother, for being there for me to relieve my frustrations on. Id, for making the BEST game ever! (Until QUAKE!) |
Base: |
New level from scratch. |
Build time: |
Editor(s) used: |
DEU II v1.00 |
Bugs: |
None as far as I know. If you find one tell me. |
Rating: |
(6 votes)
Download mirrors:
/idgames protocol:
| https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=4jqQP_13 raQ&feature=youtu.be | x | |
| I liked it | x |
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