Title: |
bcs04.wad |
Filename: |
levels/doom2/a-c/bcs04.zip |
Size: |
60.85 KB |
Date: |
03/20/95 |
Author: |
Brian and Craig Sparks |
Description: |
bcs04.wad is a medium sized level. My favorite level! The
level looks like a house. It is complete with bedrooms,
bathrooms, showers, toilets, sinks, a billiard room, a pool
complete with patio furniture, a library, etc. It even has
some secret closets and passages and of course a dungeon
I have played this level many times in four player Deathmatch
and it is continuously a blast. Hint look for secret stuff in
the billiard room. All skill levels are supported and Ultra
Violence can get a bit tough at times. |
Credits: |
Base: |
Based off of DOOM I BCDEATH5 level. |
Build time: |
Editor(s) used: |
Deu 5.2 and WinDeu5.3 |
Bugs: |
None, please report any to: csparks@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu |
Rating: |
(1 vote)
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