Title: bildoom1.zip
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/bildoom1.zip
Size: 65.08 KB
Date: 02/12/11
Author: Bill Ostrander
Description: 3 new levels for DOOM II - made with Deu2C
Base: Unknown
Build time: Unknown
Editor(s) used: Unknown
Bugs: NONE
Rating: (6 votes)

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It is map02, map04 and map03 from ?id=4065.x
It's not a really shitty 1994/1995 map, but if you're not really like those shitty maps then you'll think this sucks. For me, it's not too bad, just a shitty layout , weird texturing and random monsters/items placement. It's OK for 94/95 wad. 2.5/5 -playerlinx
So what if it is from 1995? Blasting a wad based solely on age alone is just downright foolish. The little episode is short and the maps are decent, nothing too bad, nothing too great. Average. -Lupinx-Kassman x
Very crude texturing and layouts but at least it doesn't offer the worst gameplay you can get. I mean, it's shoddy, but I didn't really dislike playing through. [2/5] ~Chain Mail (03/2011)x
It is from 1995. Why is this guy uploading shit we acutally don't need? If it wasn't uploaded in 1995 why should it be uploaded in 2011?x
Yuck. This is like from 1995. 1/5. x

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