Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/bobwads.zip
Size: 127.68 KB
Date: 02/26/95
Author: Bob
Description: 3 new levels for DOOM II.
Credits: The authors of DEUTEX, EDMAP, DOOM2.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Edmap 1.21b - Edmap 1.31
Rating: (1 vote)

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Three decent levels dated early 1995. Bob2 is MAP02, the others are MAP01. Bob1 is a decent old-school castle / dungeon map, marred a bit by some obtuse but necessary secrets, but still fun and playable except that the final door doesn't seem to work. Bob2 is a larger-scale concrete base that seems simpler and less entertaining than Bob2. IDDAD is relatively giant, a high monster count for the period (500+) although it's basically unplayable.x

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