Title: Buzzard's Delight level 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/buzz01.zip
Size: 81.08 KB
Date: 04/15/95
Author: Paul Busby (aka: Buzzard)
Description: Replacement level for MAP01 for Doom II There is no particular theme or story for this wad it's just designed to give the average (skilled) Doom player a hour or two of extreme killing pleasure.

I have spent a fair amount of time ensuring that all textures and such are aligned and pegged (nothing bothers me more than a well designed wad with poor texture alignment everywhere). Not to alarm anyone but this is my first released wad; try it before you judge.

There are 463 monsters (on Ultra-violent) but they don't all wake up on the first shot so the level remains playable. There are a few secrets, please look for them. There is a bit too much ammo, especially towards the end, but I wanted the wad to be playable by everybody ... and if you don't do it right, you may still run out.
Credits: First and formost, Jeff Rabenhorst (araya@wam.umd.edu), creater of the awsome Doom I, II and Heritic editor - Edmap 1.31.

Jens Hykkelbjerg, author of RMB: REJECT MAP BUILDER Version 2.0

ID of course ...

Scott Catterill, SYSOP of Ottawa's unofficial Doom BBS, Heart of Gold; for lots of documentation, utilities and other wads to draw inspiration from.

And my various play testers, Peter Hadrava (my stepson), Jim Biggar, Dan Kilbank, Pierre Benoit and Dave Sabourin all of whom were forced to play the wad over and over again as it was developed.
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Edmap 1.31, actually I used every version right from 1.23.
Bugs: One of the switches does not always light when pressed, I have not figured out why yet.
Rating: (3 votes)

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nice map actually. Lots of fun with the D4D mod.x

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