Title: The Image of Evil
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/cabal7.zip
Size: 89.41 KB
Date: 11/08/95
Author: Sverre Andre Kvernmo (aka "Cranium")
Description: This was to be the final showdown in Cabal. Wanted to see how far I could take the design of the map view with it. Cowards go IDBEHOLDA as soon as they enter. Good players will see it evolve.

"The Image of Evil is a humongous temple created to the honour of the first Demon to slay an angel; Lithlaar. In it you will find the Cybo that now is known as the lord of Hell and his two Soulguards."
Credits: The whole of id Software for DOOM & DOOM II. Andrew (& Mark) Cornes, Gregory "Acoma" Hyne, Peter "Pete" Ripley, David "Macca" Mccandless, Jim F Flynn, Björnar Johansen, Baard Zakariassen and Stian Danielsen for playtesting, viewpoints, help, enthusiasm and for being mad bastards. Oh, and Erling Paulsen for managing to convince me that there was such a thing as a full fledged Doom-editor, back in early 94. Os! A brand new BFG goes out to Geoff Allan (DOOMed), Raphael Quinet (DEU), Olivier Montanuy (DeuTex) and Colin Reed (BSP) plus whoever put together idBSP. These guys gave us tremendous tools of joy without claiming a buck for it. Keep going guys, you are much admired and respected. About a thousand times more so than those who are deeply doomed...;) Shawn Green for sending me the picture of that very friendly pizza-girl. Oh, and for including me in "DOOM2: The Master Levels" project. A humongous round of applause to those doom-players who still play without cheating. I made these wads for you guys! :) Last but never least to all other WAD-designers who have lost themselves in the worlds of tag numbers, upper textures and vertexes as badly as me. Quake will be the end of what's left of our social lives.
Base: An obsessive personality, lotsa caffeine and lotsa nicotine. :Q A twiseted mind doesn't hurt either. :) An additional credit should go out to those wad- designers that have inspired me greatly through their work. I don't know all their names, but the names of their WADs should suffice. Hail the hall of fame: "Nukemine" (old I know, but the supreme numero uno at it's hayday) "Castle of the Renegades". Best castle-type wad I've seen. "Eternity" "Dante's Gate" The secret level in the AlienDoom episode was groovy as well, and "Cleimos" had some nice touches.
Build time: Don't ask, really! First baby steps at "wadding" taken in the summer of 94. Almost dropped out of university for this bloody obsession. One reason for surviving was that I handed in a wad of my campus as one of my projects. I would guess that I on average spend about 130 hours on each wad. And it's not because I work slow :)
Editor(s) used: DoomED 4, DEU2, DETH, BSP1.2, idBSP and DEUTEX.
Bugs: No way. If you should find some then get in touch, but know that I will forever hate you!!! ;)
Rating: (13 votes)

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wub itx
Map layout is really impressive! It looks like highly-detailed daemon face. Because of that, there's a lot of sharp needle-arc-shaped corners — so some rooms look really weird, but map`s specifics are smartly used in the gameplay.x
I liked it - COOL - look at the automap - the author mentions a wad he made of his university campus that he handed in for a project. It would be cool to see that.x
The author also made 4 master doom levels and 3 levels of eternal doom(4,5,12). In looks this levels doesn't reach the height of the eternal ones, but it compensate this with more challenging gameplay. Don't consider this the best of the cabal series, but that's my taste. 5/5 coldfusiox
This is the last part of the Cabal series and it makes a good finish. The map is quite hard, in one situation even unfair, where I had to give me a radiation suit. It's from 1995 and quite oldschoolish but very well done. It's looking good and has some nice tricks and traps and an intense, challenging gameplay with a high monster count. Maybe, this is the best of all 7 maps, which all together are more than you would expect from such an old project. 4/5 -Milianx

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