Title: Castle of the Renegades 2
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/caslotr2.zip
Size: 223.88 KB
Date: 02/25/95
Author: Scott F. Crank
Description: Here at last is the Doom 2 version of Castle of the Renegades, the epic e2m1 for the original Doom. I didn't make too many changes in the stuctures of the original, but I incorporated most of the new monsters and some of the new graphics and linedef types. This wad was so long in coming because I couldn't find a Doom 2 compatible editor that I liked that was capable of holding it. Thanks to Ben Morris for allowing me access to beta versions of his excellent editor, DCK.
Credits: Jean-Michel Jarre and Brian Havis for the cool midi. Really kicks in Gen. Midi.
Base: Caslotr.wad, which was my original
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Doom Construction Kit 1.1a
Bugs: I encountered some interesting node building problems, but was able to work around them. See NODE.NFO for details.
Rating: (7 votes)

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Kinda legendary early castle map with some very memorable areas such as the baron restaurant. Worth a look.x
Alright Doomers, here's a challenge, find your way through this map. Maybe I'm only having trobule because its 2 AM, who knows. Anyway this one definitely deserves a spot in your "90's WADs" folder.x
A bit dated but still lots of fun. 4/5x
Cool one.x
meh. it's ok. it's not as memorable as The Waterfront level.x
Feels more like two levels, inside the castle there's an open room with 4 doors, 3 of them locked. From there on it's very linear. There's a restaurant and a kitchen, however other places are just places. coldfusiox
This is good fun, although it's so old that it has a textfile explaining the secrets. It's a castle level, but with enough detail and action to be fun more than a decade later. It's from an era when people made Doom levels as if they were little adventure games, and it's very nostalgic in that respect.x

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