Title: Castle Courtyard
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/casyrd.zip
Size: 45.03 KB
Date: 08/17/14
Author: Gwenvaël Le Bihan (subject_119)
Description: A map I made for wrack a while ago, I ported it to Doom removing the real 3d parts.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Can't remember
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder 2
Bugs: none
Rating: (8 votes)

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A nice HARD map. Or mebey I just drank to mutch. No its hard when i'm sober too.x
4-minutes map. Layout is simple, decoration and texture use sparse. Monster placement @ UV consists of only weak monsters + chain gunners. As ^^ said: sector 56 cannot be reached. Gameplay is simple and did not give much fun, so overall 2/5. BTW try to make your maps less rectangular.x
Not a bad map, though it doesn't really remind me of a castle courtyard with all of the techbase elements present. Item placement is questionable; the medkit in the first room is useless and there is no way to get the chainsaw behind the confusing red bars. A couple of areas can also be broken so that the level can't be completed without noclip. A fun map though. 3/5. -Zakurum/Argentvmx

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