Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/chord2.zip
Size: 141.58 KB
Date: 09/27/97
Author: Malcolm Sailor
Description: MAP26 Large quasi-castle, very detailed, definitely one of my better levels, (Ola would disagree:() I spent ages on this one. It is longer than I would've liked though:(

I would _not_ recommend UV for the "average player" UV is for very good players, much harder than doom2. (For one thing there aren't unnecessary invulnerabilitys everywhere...)

Has very cool lighting and a ton of monsters... Enjoy!
Credits: Ben Morris for dck All the good authors for giving me inspiration. Too list a few: Sverre Kvernmo Iikka Keranan Ola Bjorling Dr Sleep Myscha Patrick Martin Adelusion Dennis Moeller Matt Dixon American Mcgee... Whoever made Zennode. Also thanks to those who tested this wad... I definitely got some good criticism that made this wad better. (especially Matt Dixon)
Base: An alienated and psychopathic weirdo.
Build time: Months of "hard" work... I didn't spend very much time on it though... Prolly altogether 40-60 hours...
Editor(s) used: Dck 3.61, by far the very best editor. Try it, it kicks deu's (and all the others) ass. Read the docs.
Bugs: Possibly, if you find any, email me, please!
Rating: (12 votes)

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Far easier than CHORD1, but still fun to play.x
cool mapx
Great map from an even greater series. 5/5x
Nice and solid level, but it's missing that "special something" IMO. Fortunately, CHORD3 has it. :)x

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