MAP28 A level with (as always) vicious gameplay. SInce I've been doing a lot of Quake lately I tried to add in a lot of cool architecture on the roof and stuff... nothing compared to my Quake levels but relative to the average doom level the architecture is pretty good. I like the look: metal2/brown96 /teklite texturing scheme, a large tower/building which somehow survived the apocalypse.
I would _not_ recommend UV for the "average player" UV is for very good players, much harder than doom2. (For one thing there aren't unnecessary invulnerabilitys everywhere...)
Has very cool lighting/architecture and a ton of monsters... Enjoy!
Ben Morris for dck All the good authors for giving me inspiration. Too list a few: Sverre Kvernmo Iikka Keranan Ola Bjorling Dr Sleep Myscha Patrick Martin Adelusion Dennis Moeller Matt Dixon American Mcgee... Whoever made Zennode. Also thanks to those who tested this wad...
An alienated and psychopathic weirdo.
Build time:
A week, prolly 10-20 hours, I was working on other stuff. I'm getting pretty fast. Always have been, actually.
Editor(s) used:
Dck 3.62, by far the very best editor. Try it, it kicks deu's (and all the others) ass. Read the docs.