Title: Control Station KGx/57
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/cntrl_57.zip
Size: 274.14 KB
Date: 10/31/96
Author: Scott McNutt
Description: Control Station KGx/57 is the sister installation of Attack Station KGx/57.

CSKG_57B.WAD is the Single Player Version CSDM_57B.WAD is the DeathMatch version
Credits: Oh Great Master Lawrence, Slacker 415 and Darrellman - for more cool Doom, Doom2, Quake, Heretic and Hexen stuff, check out his cool WWW page.........

Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DoomCAD 5.1 & 6.1, NewWad Tool 1.3, Ed Map, DMapEdit 4.0.8, Waded, Photostyler, Kitchen sink
Rating: (4 votes)

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its boring oversized tech with mostly single texture and custom HUD...zip has 2 wads SP & DM which makee little sense...many unmarked doors,switch hunting and unlimited shells and RL+PG against 131 weakest baddies....some efforts can be seen but its uninteresting overall...x
This is dated January 1996. You get a pair of levels; one of them single-player, one of them deathmatch (which I didn't play). It's a monotextured silver techbase that would have seemed old-fashioned in late 1994, and there's almost nothing Doom II about it. One room is baffling until you press on random bits of the structure. The gameplay has a flow, albeit a boring one, but it's very copy-and-paste and there's no challenge.x
This map isn't too interesting. It looks quite avarage with some silver and tech-textures, the monsters are all very easy, and I didn't even need the rockets and plasma at all. Gameplay isn't good neither. It's mostly running through hallways, accessible through unidentificable doors and looking for switches. The secrets are two rooms with half-naked girls on the walls, which I found very boring. 1.5/5 -Milianx
Why two seperate wads? x

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