Title: Cygnus IV - Version 2.0
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/cygnus20.zip
Size: 805.88 KB
Date: 04/15/97
Author: John J. Bye (aka Spook, aka Gestalt666)
Description: 14 levels of hard-hitting Doom II action, with new graphics, sound and music, and some damned impressive scenery!
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK V2.2 Level editor BSP V1.2 Node builder PaintShop Pro V3.11 Graphics editor Cakewalk Apprentice Midi editor Midi2Mus Music converter Creative WaveStudio Sound editor NWT Pro V1.4á WAD toolkit WAD Compiler WAD toolkit Dehacked V3.0a DEH editor
Bugs: None known.

A "visplane overflow" error in the landing pads area of the Railhead (level 8) which caused Doom to crash has been fixed since the Beta release.

If you find any other bugs, please e-mail me to let me know. There may be a few HOMs in places as Cygnus IV pushes the Doom engine to its limits...

This WAD runs best under Doom II V1.9
Rating: (14 votes)

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Great level set. Also, the music on map05 through MIDI is simply phenomenally atmospheric.x
One of the first Doom II wads I've ever played and still one of my all time favorites :D x
Getsu Fune
totally cool but short.x
A very fun and well designed wad to play. I would give it a 5/5 if it wasnt so short.x
My god, this is onestly terriblex
The music is awesome, but it feels like playing a Doom fan fiction rather than map set. It is very short. 3/5 However I did love this as a kid, just not as good as I remembered.x
This is the First Megawad I Played When I got a Modem. I like it. you Should too. Music is original, and pushes the Doom Engine a little more than your standard maps. if that makes any sense. -Csonicgox

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