Title: |
Filename: |
levels/doom2/d-f/delta1.zip |
Size: |
243.56 KB |
Date: |
06/15/97 |
Author: |
The DooM Kid |
Description: |
This level was intended to be a house that I've been to on the Delta..hint hint, the name. After a while I decided to update some of it's surroundings for Deathmatch play! After many hours, I have finally come up with this new version of Delta1.wad! It's rather primative in design but it sure as hell is fun! |
Credits: |
Base: |
Build time: |
Couple years for final result. |
Editor(s) used: |
DCK 3.61 Shareware, Wintex 4.3 shareware. |
Bugs: |
In my editor it said the sector was not closed....
could be an editor bug, but play is not affected in
any way. Report any physical bugs if you see any.
Thanx. |
Rating: |
      (3 votes)
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     | I only found this because the creator also calls himself Doom Kid. Here you'll find exactly what you'd expect from an unknown 1997 map - Horrible texture aligntment, textures which should be unpegged but arent, a few boring rooms.. This is a deathmatch map with no flow to speak of and of course, the obligitory Cyberdemon. As the previous review mentions, there's areas where you can get stuck that would totally ruin any chance of a decent DM.
2/5... Not vomit, but not really worth existing. | x | |
     | This looks like it was intended for DM, since there are only three demons and a Cyberdemon here in SP. There's not much to say, mostly because there's not much to it. The action is set in and around a small house, with a small garden, a waterfront, and some trees. The map doesn't look terribly bad, but I doubt it would be much fun. Oh, and there are also several places where you can get stuck (the author states in the .txt that this was intentional...). Skip it. --2/5 | x |
View delta1.txt