Title: Deadliest Dem(o(li)ti)on
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/demolit.zip
Size: 2.56 MB
Date: 04/02/23
Author: Scypek2
Description: A 11-map Vanilla Dehacked mapset loosely inspired by the 1995 Cabal series, originally created for NaNoWADMo 2022.

After a humiliating defeat, your supervisor saw it fit to demote you from a cyberdemon to a mere human, so that you can learn to maximize your combat potential instead of squandering your superior firepower. But there's no force in hell that could ever make you part with your beloved weapon...

This mod contains numerous gameplay changes. If you don't want to spoil the surprise, quit reading now and start playing! If you need to know more, here's some more detail.

New weapons:

1. Empty rocket launcher Just because you're out of ammo doesn't mean you have to part with it. Deals triple melee damage with each swing.

2. Rocket launcher Not a new weapon... except for the weapon slot. Don't worry, you'll get used to it... to the point where you'll start accidentally switching to the pistol instead of the rocket launcher in the next wad you play. You have been warned.

3. Hunting rifle The perfect weapon for instantly delivering a concentrated burst of damage to a distant target. Pretty much two regular shotguns glued together, as fast as a singular one.

5. Gatzooka An instrument of pure joy, created by the mighty Dukes of Detonation. nearly four times as fast as your rocket launcher, but needs to cool down after firing.

6. Plasma guns The new plasma gun is twice as ammo efficient and easy to wield one-handed! So why limit yourself to just one?

New enemies:

Gray Soul A shadow of its former self, with slower reaction time and frail enough to be obliterated by a single imp farting in its general direction. Still perfectly capable of ruining your day, but a whole lot more fun to fight. Also capable of squeezing through narrow gaps.

Blueblood The good old door with health... almost. Their lightning fast projectiles are guaranteed to keep you from falling asleep mid-fight.

Super Shotgunner Every bit as squishy as a regular shotgunner, and takes longer to aim, so you have no excuse for getting shot by this guy. If you do end up in the line of fire, they'll hurt you thrice as hard as a regular shotgunner. Now you're on the receiving end of the Super Shotgun's shrapnel multiplying magic!

Red Soul Still not too bulky, but considerably harder to blow away in one hit. This one's faster and spits fireballs, but most importantly, it also explodes upon death. Try to make the best of it!

Rocket Zombie The most durable zombie of them all at 100 hp. Also slightly smarter than an average zombie with a rocket launcher... but every bit as vulnerable to explosions.

Plasma Zombie This one can mow you down fairly fast if you get distracted by a pinky demon stepping on your toes but is actually the frailest of all hominids. Just a zombieman who lucked out and found a better gun. Now, here's something real fun about the rocket and plasma zombies... they both drop a whole backpack of ammo when killed. Which, in this case, also includes five rockets. Fun times.

Zombie Tank 1500 health, heavy machine gun and no chance to stun it. All in all, more devious than a spider mastermind... but a lot less resistant to explosives.

Stealth Arch-Vile Spectres are so overdone. Here's something more fun! Thankfully, they're not much more durable than an average zombie, so it's not a big deal that they can resurrect each other... right?

Duke of Detonation Time to get serious. Blast reistance, 2000 health and rockets fired at a chaingun pace is enough to keep things fun, but they can also spice things up with homing missiles when the mood strikes them. One-shot them with BFG at your own peril.

Stone Imp Technically only as durable as a Hell Knight, but good luck landing all your shots! Faster than a regular imp, doesn't flinch, throws deadlier projectiles and reacts slightly faster as well.

Emperor of Erasure Makes up for the lack of blast resistance with 24 000 health. If you think that's excessive, wait until you see his weapon of choice.

Similar to Three Is A Crowd, I was given a number of creative challenges to spur my level-making creativity with. See if you can identify them all while playing!

Challenge 1: Have a level or a section of a level themed around the concept: Wrong Projectiles.

Challenge 2: Play around with one of the more arbitrary things that vanilla Doom hardcodes.

Challenge 3: Include a reference to some other video game!

Challenge 4: Include something that is reminiscent of a clock!

Challenge 5: Include something reminiscent of outer space.

Challenge 6: Include a puzzle based on differently colored textures. (done twice)

Challenge 7: Evoke the feeling of a zoo!

Challenge 8: Make a ridiculous number of keys available!

Challenge 9: Include some innocent-looking object that is actually deadly!

Challenge 10: Create some kind of archvile archive.
Credits: Captain Toenail, jdredalert, Xim, Enjay, Vader, HorrorMovieGuy, Finalizer, Amuscaria, Neoworm, The Ultimate Doomer, NMN, Raz, ItsNatureToDie, rf`, ViolentBeetle, dotQLL, Ringman, NiGHTMARE, UAC Project Night-Vision, Chainie_C, HavoX, msx2plus, Cacodemon187, A Handsome Fridge, horselessheadsman, LoneAlpha2401, DevilMyEyes, Doomkid, Alfonzo, and bucket for the resources used (see "DEMOLIT resources.txt" for specifics)

The Lamp and Fernito for playtesting Sverre André Kvernmo, Scwiba and Ringcaat for various kinds of inspiration
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Six months
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder X, Slade 3, WhackEd4, Paint.NET
Bugs: The sprite limit can get pretty rough on MAP10!

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