Title: Deus Ex Machina
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/deus.zip
Size: 745.77 KB
Date: 10/29/03
Author: Dave Pletcher
Description: The mutants have constructed a huge machine to rule the earth. You must find a way to destroy the machine from within. Starting out at ground level, you must work your way beneath
Credits: Thanks to my friend Steve Brown for all the great textures and new monsters. And of course the id people.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: Three months
Editor(s) used: DeeP 7.11 for map + nodes, Wintex 3.4, RMB, Dehacked 3.0
Bugs: none
Rating: (9 votes)

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A few poor choices in the sound replacements shouldn't stop you enjoying this wad (if need be, remove them). Extensive dehacked changes make for a non-standard Dooming experience, backed up by well-executed graphical replacements. Be sure to use a port with very accurate Dehacked support (such as Prboom+ or Choc).x
Disregard the comment in the txt about it not working correctly with prboom. That was true some years ago due to bugs in its dehacked support, but not any more.x
Total CRAP. Maybe could have been good without all the awful new "graphics" and "sounds" thrown in.x
Seems good at first, then starts to get really weird. Just a warning, he took off blood.x

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