Title: Daylight District
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/dldstrct.zip
Size: 1 MB
Date: 06/17/24
Author: Bobby (lolmcswagger), MyOlden, T.Will, Yugiboy85, ZeMystic
Description: Daylight District is an unofficial sequel to Moonlit District released in January of 2022. Keeping with the industrial city theme now mixed with mountainous terrain. If you are playing in ports such as Chocolate Doom, make sure to use the command "-dehlump" to load the DeHackEd inside the wad.
Credits: Special thanks to Ludi for testing and recording the demos!

Daylight District uses as assets from the following:

- Moonlit District - Tetanus - Perdition's Gate - Smouth's Textures - 32in2415_tex_v2 - Plutonia

The soundtrack features songs from the following:

MAP01: Recovery - Jimmy MAP02: Bloody Sands - MyOlden MAP03: Spacepub - Stewboy MAP04: Drilling By Night - Stewboy MAP05: CHaRybdIS - Jimmy MAP06: Radioisotope - AD_79 MAP07: A New Day - DCG Retrowave MAP08: Get Low - Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz Intermission: Restart - DCG Retrowave Text Screen: The Maw - Halo: Combat Evolved Title Screen: Birds Or Some Shit - ZeMystic

DCG Retrowave would also like to add: “A New Day” and “Restart” (in shortened form) were composed by Dallas Cox (DCG Retrowave). These songs are from his 2023 album, “Communication Established,” which can be heard on all major music streaming platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, and more. A physical release on CD will be available in March of 2024. More information can be found at http://dcgretrowave.com/

Copyright 2023 DCG Retrowave

DCG Retrowave’s MIDI files were used with permission. Please give credit to DCG Retrowave if reusing these songs in your own WAD and link to his website.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A few weeks
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, SLADE 3, Doom Text Generator, Gimp.

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