Title: Doubts Even Here
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/doubts.zip
Size: 31.59 KB
Date: 06/09/14
Author: riki
Description: Simple 2048x2048 map. Right?
Credits: id Software, Pascal vd Heiden Other Doomers for both loving and hating my levels.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: ????
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder
Bugs: If you find any, e-mail me.
Rating: (9 votes)

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Classic, unoriginal and very short map, but quite nicely done. Nice visuals and action packed gameplay with good monster variety. I liked it.x
I think Mr. Confalonieri hit the nail on the head. Great map, but it felt empty and slow at times. If it had a few more enemies here and there, it would be a great first map for a 32-level wad. 4/5x
nicolas monti
A nice small map, interesting blend of themes, a mixture of E2 and doom2 techbase, with textures I always praise. While being very linear, that being good of bad depending on tastes, the traps are well set, you can get cornered sometimes. approved.x
Simple, very rectangular level with mostly E2-style texture use. Gameplay @ UV is very simple, but does have some progression. Solved it in 3:42 including finding the green armor secret. Overall: halfway between meh and average + 0.5 for the efford = a small 3/5.x
Well-made with a nice aesthetics, interesting secrets and good monster placement. The only bad points are that it is rather simple and lacks truly memorable locations.x
A pretty fun map.x
walter confalonieri
nice map, but maybe a little empty?x

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