Title: Dream House
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/dremhous.zip
Size: 244.97 KB
Date: 12/07/02
Author: Sean Bernard
Description: The year is 1979. You have been hired by an architect to clean out mutants that have infested
Credits: id
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Approximately 96 hours (non-continuous)
Editor(s) used: DEU for DOOM 2, DEUTEX v3.6, Autodesk Animator, ColorView v2.1 for DOS, Creative WaveStudio
Bugs: Of course not. I would not release something if I knew it had bugs.
Rating: (5 votes)

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For a "house wad", this is actually pretty good - The description helps before booting it up, but if you're looking for an enrapturing experience, you can probably skip this one. Some decent custom textures used here for curtains, switches etc.x
cool house with a few new textures that fit the house - the detailed description at the end of the txt file was funnyx
Four levels in a house. You can imagine they're small. 2/5. Ioanx

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