Title: Doom:Enigma Demo
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/enigmademo.zip
Size: 383.51 KB
Date: 03/03/03
Author: MAP01 - Hyena MAP02 - Epyo MAP03 - Danarchy MAP04 - Ralphis Compilation - Nanami
Description: Check below for level information.
Credits: pritch, Bloodshedder
Base: Scratch.
Build time: Varies.
Editor(s) used: Varies.
Bugs: Untested levels, bugs may exist.
Rating: (12 votes)

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Surprisingly, contrary to the above reviews, these levels are extremely fun. Gameplay is simple, but interesting, and the levels look straight out of doom 2.x
I don't understand why people hate these levels so much. Sure they have silly names, but they play well, and were actually a bit fun to romp through. If people can't enjoy simple maps like these anymore, than I don't know what will happen to the Doom Community :/. 5 starsx
Please don't map againx
This is pretty disappointing :-( If the other levels are of this caliber, this project won't be something to look forward to... Still, it's only a demo and I hope these levels get revamped before the final release.x

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