Title: EVIL_1
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/evil_1.zip
Size: 267.72 KB
Date: 03/06/97
Description: The file EVIL_1.ZIP contains seven WADs for DOOM 2, with explanatory texts. It is very convenient read them in order to could finish the adventures with life.

But none read the texts :-( so, in this NEW version I added seven LMP files, are demos of the SOLUTIONS of ALL the MISIONS, played at real time !!. To see the demos use the included BAT file named "DEMO.BAT". This demos are very useful because you can see how I solutionated the misions. :-)

I recognize the extreme difficulty of some of them }:-) , already all the friends have said me it to those that I have passed you them, but it is only very difficult if you don't known which one must make (I for that put the texts and the demos).

There is a file "¡README!.TXT" to explain how to load a mision and a demo, and a table of points for the dificulty of the WADs.

Don't you like the Cyber-Daemons? , better test with another WADs. }:-) In these one must think a small strategy before hitting the throws (and not always one must kill to all the enemies) in order to could survive.
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Hard maps with cyberdemons.x
Pretty but old maps... Some of them are very fun and offer a interesting challenge. Other, well...x

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