Title: The Farside of Titan
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/farside.zip
Size: 117.95 KB
Date: 03/01/04
Author: Jim Flynn
Description: Given your success with the UAC mining base and the Anomaly investigation, it was inevitable that you get picked for this foray into the Titan Farside Research Base. Oh well. Rumours have it that some prototypes of alien technology are being tested here. Please investigate and report.
Credits: Brendon Wyber and Raphael Quinet for DEU-GCC Antony Burden and Simon Oke for DETH Colin Reed for BSP1.2x Olivier Montanuy for DeuTex 3.5 HevKev (Kevin McGrail) for the DeuTex Manual Jens Hykkelbjerg for RMB 2.1 Those folks at ID, for Doom Leo Martin Lim for UAC_DEAD Playtesters: Peter Zahner, John Keary, John Llewellyn
Base: and the Anomaly investigation, it was inevitable that you get picked for this foray into the Titan Farside Research Base. Oh well. Rumours have it that some prototypes of alien technology are being tested here. Please investigate and report.
Build time:
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Rating: (9 votes)

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What can I say? Jim Flynn... great guy, great level designer, Team Eternal/TeamTNT member, a Compuserve member in the long-since gone Action Games Forum back in the glory days of PC gaming, single-handed coder of the BOOM DOOM source port, has the same name as the main character in the movie TRON, and this WAD is great as well :) 'Nuff said?x
I remember first getting into WADs, Jim Flynn's levels were always a favorite. His Titan series is pretty amazing for 1995. ~valkiriforcex
This WAD contains a normal amount of Jim Flynn's creativity (and ugliness). For his best maps, see Eternal Doom. This crazy map, however, is plagued by difficult-to-execute jumps and pointless swithunts. 2/5 as I found it almost unplayable; still you may take a look at this level for its originality (vdgg)x
This is a challenging map from 1995. The layout is simple but nice, and it's looking good with some neat editing tricks (considering the time of its creation). In addition to the monster fights, there are some clever riddles and puzzles to solve before you can leave the map. Recommended! 4/5 -Milianx

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