With the apparent downfall of DOOM due to the recent release of Quake, or at least the alpha version (but I think even that's better than DOOM), I'm going to stop making DOOM ][ levels. From now on, all my levels are going to be for Quake. But that doesnt mean I won't continue the fear series. Fear III will be a Quake level, and will be truly amazing (so long as I understand how the hell CAD works :)
As for this level, it's basically just a military base of some kind, with some traps here and there. I got the deathmatch test version of Quake when I was about halfway through this level so the latter part of it is pretty much reflective of Quake (for example, the sky teleporters).
id, Ben Morris, Colin Reed, OCS Software, The Innocent Crew, and any others for structures I may have based upon their works (yes, that puzzle with the crusher is copied from level 14 in Doom 2 so don't ask)
New level from scratch
Build time:
35+ hours
Editor(s) used:
DCK v2.2, BSP v1.2x, NwT, Neopaint
You might get a visplane overflow in the room with all the pillars that cast shadows from the sky