Title: Fury 667
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/fury667.zip
Size: 442.14 KB
Date: 12/21/95
Author: Paul R. Bailey
Description: Lots of random ideas I tried to build into a realistic looking universe. I got the hang of aligning textures towards the end.
Base: New levels from scratch.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Built all the levels with Waded. Used Wintex For sounds, graphics, and putting it all together into one neat package.
Bugs: I don't know any bugs, I just smash them.
Rating: (6 votes)

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You can count the number of non-90-degree angles in this episode with your fingers. In spite of that though, its actually pretty fun. That and there are soda machines. Its hard to hate a wad with soda machines.x
i thought something about realm667. nothing interesting. 2/5x
classic. in 2012, this is as oldschool as it getsx
Not as bad as the two reviewers above made it sound, but it is a bit bland. It is okay caliber and the new sounds and soda machine graphics definitely date it. I would say 3/5 x

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