Title: |
FRAGem (01fragem.wad) for Doom 2 |
Filename: |
levels/doom2/deathmatch/0-9/01fragem.zip |
Size: |
36.7 KB |
Date: |
07/20/96 |
Author: |
Daniel Huff |
Description: |
DeathMatch wad, with good mix of open spaces, hallways, and lifts. Double-barrel shotgun close to all starting points; access to better weapons are at a higher-risk, depending on where your enemy is..... Watch your back!
Skill level (1-2), only has super shotguns, and chainsaws.
The backpack is available on all skill levels. |
Credits: |
The makers of DOOM, the best game ever made!
Jason Poll the author of Fragtime.wad
John Braum (Mach), for play testing, and encouragement. Thanks J.B.! |
Base: |
Based on fragtime.wad by Jason Poll, and is available at http://www.cdrom.com |
Build time: |
Editor(s) used: |
ED209, BSP14x, Zennode |
Bugs: |
none |
Rating: |
(1 vote)
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