Title: 10-Pak 2 Death-Match Wad
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/0-9/10pak2.zip
Size: 337.15 KB
Date: 01/07/96
Author: Tom Sanner (Mr.DooM)
Description: A major new version of my popular 10PAK Wad.
Credits: iD of course and the creator of DCK
Base: 3 brand new levels along with 7 modified levels from the original 10PAK.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK, BSP, NWT
Bugs: None known of
Rating: (3 votes)

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I like this! The levels may be old, but are quite good! In the entire wad I've found only one misaligned texture, which is pretty good for '96!x
Oh wow, real mature for attacking a WAD from fucking 1996.x
As terrible as getting your little doodle eaten by chewbacca. 1 star cause it sucksx

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