Title: AMoDoom
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/a-c/amodoom.zip
Size: 28.23 MB
Date: 04/28/24
Author: Gianluco
Description: A casual-oriented Deathmatch mod. Some stuff is based on inside jokes from my friend group, so if you don't get them, they're explained in the AdoFunFacts.txt
Credits: All credits are given in AdoCredits.txt
Base: d on inside jokes from my friend group, so if you don't get them, they're explained in the AdoFunFacts.txt
Build time: Around 5 months
Editor(s) used: SLADE, Ultimate Doom Builder
Bugs: There's some light problems and texture misalignements. Bots get dumb in maps where jumping is required. Offline Skirmishes crash the game, but you can just warp to the map and add the bots (if you type 'offmatch' in the console you can add 10 bots straight up)

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