Title: Eyedea
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/d-f/eyedea.zip
Size: 58.35 KB
Date: 08/10/13
Author: AlexMax
Description: A small and extremely fast-paced 1on1 arena with a few tricks up its sleeve.
Credits: Dew, Stall, Xen, Combinebobnt, and Catastrophe for giving great advice that directly lead to refinements in the map. Also, everyone else who playtested and gave feedback.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: The layout was cranked out in an afternoon, detailed in an evening, and refined over the course of a week or so.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, SLADE 3, GIMP 2.8
Bugs: None known. Tested extensively in Odamex and Zandronum. Seems to work in WinMBF as well.
Rating: (9 votes)

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Alexmax of course updated it with an underscore but this version is still good.x
very good 1v1 map with fresh gameplay, will likely see a lot of competitive playx
Above average DM map with a neat 1 VS 1 design.x

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