Title: Eyedea_
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/d-f/eyedea_.zip
Size: 69.43 KB
Date: 09/28/16
Author: AlexMax
Description: A small and extremely fast-paced 1on1 arena with a few tricks up its sleeve, second try.
Credits: Everybody who gave me feedback on the old and new version of the map.
Base: Modified version of eyedea.wad
Build time: The original layout was modified piecemeal over the course of several months.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, SLADE 3, GIMP 2.
Bugs: None known.
Rating: (3 votes)

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May not be the most popular but I like how every weapon besides the shit rifle has a good use here. The map is largely flat and open so combat isn't too complicated. Aggressiveness and hide and seek both workx
Really well made mini duel map with very little in the way of snags/frustrating spots.x

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