Title: Judas32
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/j-l/judas32.zip
Size: 26.46 KB
Date: 09/18/08
Author: Ismaele (Alberto Sposito)
Description: This is a DM level designed for 1-on-1 duels, inspired by Judas23. WARNING: The new background music is a .MIDI file, so you'll listen to it only if you use a port that can play it, such as ZDoom-based ports (ZDoom, GZDoom, ZDaemon...).
Credits: Id Software, for making Doom; Brian Vannatta, the author of the great Judas23_; Toranaga a.k.a UltimateLorenzo for some tweaking; You, for downloading this .WAD. Thank you!

Base: Completely new level from scratch, but inspired by Judas23
Build time: 5 hours
Editor(s) used: WadAuthor; Wad eXtendable; Zennode.
Bugs: You may experience some HOM effects near little polygonal sectors and light sources, Should you find other errors please send me an e-mail!

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Rating: (3 votes)

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It is possible to get trapped inside a lift in this map. Otherwise it is basically a detailed version of judas23, a fun duel map. 3/5 -Lupinx-Kassmanx
Good level, almost as the original. UL.x

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