Title: Doomkid's Duelzones!
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/j-l/kid_duel.zip
Size: 857.07 KB
Date: 07/11/15
Author: Doomkid [Adam P.]
Description: Here we have 7 duel maps which I've worked very hard on perfecting. I know it's a bit less than my previous releases, but the lesson here is quality over quantity! The texturing is cleaner than my old stuff, but more importantly, the item and weapon placement is FAR superior. These are designed to be true skilltesters - You'll have to know exactly what weapon to use and when to defeat your foes, and use of enviromental cover is crucial to victory. Simply put, I went in with a "designed for tournament use" mentality. A big thankyou to MrCrispy, Decay, Ru5tK1ng, The_Miano and a few other beauties out there for your critiques and advice while constucting this set. It's because of your input that these turned out nicely, rather than just another "king of the items" DK_DM mapset.
Credits: Doomkid (myself), and MrCrispy, Decay, Ru5tK1ng, The_Miano and a few other beauties out there for their critiques and advice while constucting this set. VERY helpful!
Base: All Your Base!
Build time: It's ALWAYS build time!
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, XWE, Guitar Pro 5, Midi 2 Mus
Rating: (12 votes)

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good stuffx
Fun maps! I enjoyed play-testing these :)x
I remember this from testing on Zandronum. Some good content here for dueling (maybe even 2v2 Team Deathmatch) and some good times from that testing. -ArgentAgentx
i had a lot of fun playing these maps on a ZDS a while back. Great for FFA, not just duel.x
A much better attempt at duel/dm maps than previous endeavors, a great New School/Old School set. Only a few parts are kind of meh, and the texturing at this point is really meh, but overall still a good set.x
Well balanced duel maps with an oldschool kind of feel. Map06 was the best. Well donex

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