Title: Mines: Remastered
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/m-o/mines.zip
Size: 1.09 MB
Date: 07/21/07
Author: The Solution
Description: Mines: Remastered is a dark and icy mining structured facility that focuses primarily on deathmatch play with up to 4 or more players. Some of the many new features in this new remaster includes: Sloped sectors, real dynamic lighting effects, 3d floors, and fully implemented polyobjects that now enhance the atmosphere even further.
Credits: Nightmare for the texture pack, ID software, and Realm667.
Base: Remastered
Build time: A month
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder
Bugs: K8Vavoom may experience some 3d floor glitches.
Rating: (8 votes)

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Nice map, though I got no one to deathmatch with.x
not so bad, nice textures -3 starsx
I haven't tested this for DM, but from the looks of it this could be a great one. There are numerous DM hotspots, however they are scattered too much and might take a while for players to navigate this map with ease. BTW, this map has a major Dark7 feel - which I liked. A lot. 4/5. -zepolleonx
Very Good. Nice looking. Stocked with ammo. Fun ****/*****-The[Battl e]Oxx
Nice. x

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