Title: The Works of DOMiNiON
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/megawads/domworks.zip
Size: 1023.82 KB
Date: 12/06/05
Author: DOMiNiON, Lord_Rahl for the maps & 0gami for throwing it all together and the .txt :)
Description: Here we have the works of DOMiNiON - you will no doubt recognise most of these works, however most have been tweaked and\or updated in one way or another. There are 15 maps by DOMiNiON (MAP01-15) and the final 2 maps are by Lord_Rahl under the guidance of DOM Himself :)
Credits: iD Software & Authors of all programs used. Lord_Rahl for letting us use 2 of his DOM-Tweaked maps. And lastly DOMiNiON himself for not only giving me permission to put this WAD together, but for also giving me access to his unreleased maps and tweaking the existing ones. Thank You mate - 0gami (a.k.a. GiNGE3)
Base: New from scratch
Build time: You have 10 years of work right here :)
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder
Bugs: None Known
Rating: (4 votes)

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Ahh, "except for the easiness of getting the BFG" - a BFG hater by the sounds of it .. even when the weapon is made moderately to hideously difficult to get on most maps. The "levels are bland" -- tainted all with same brush .. laughable review.x

View domworks.txt
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