Title: Superfast Mapping: Deathmatch Edition
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/megawads/sfm-dm.zip
Size: 2.16 MB
Date: 08/18/14
Author: Combinebobnt and Argentum
Description: The sequel to Superfast DUEL Speedmaps. A wad that was the result of a speed-mapping compilation on the Zandronum Forums in the late summer and early autumn of 2013. As the title suggests, this map pack is made with deathmatch in mind, but with support for sixteen players or greater. Each map ,whilst being made in BooM format, was to be finished in one hour with corrections allowed as a method of quality control. In the end, the group created thirty-five all-new deathmatch maps that play greatly for big crowds.
Credits: Mappers who participated in the project: one_two, Shane, W1D3A55, 75, Serj Enhmo, Nightmare Those who helped during the private and public testing sessions. FNF Team for helping in testing and running this WAD. Source credits within the credits lump of the WAD.
Base: New from scratch (no copy-pasting or prefabs allowed!)
Build time: One hour for each map. Completed in about two to three months.
Editor(s) used: DooM Builder II, Slade 3, XWE
Bugs: No! That's what public testing was for!
Rating: (10 votes)

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Good looking mapsx
Getsu Fune
lol at the pinball course.x
A few duds, but overall this is quite good. It's not an over-detailed clusterfluffle, but they're nice on the eyes for the most part. Despite what the textfile says, these are SFDM01 - SFDM35, not MAP01 - MAP35. I recommend it, 4 stars.x
pretty good for a speed map pack. need superfast tdm nowx

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