Title: Terminator: Arena 3.0 Definitive edition
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/megawads/termarena.zip
Size: 28.64 MB
Date: 04/21/24
Author: SkeletronMK666, Kaapeli47
Description: This is the Definitive way to play Terminator: Arena. This is a quick Time-To-Kill made for the latest version of zandronum 3.2 Alpha, Beta, and future versions of Zandro. it is compatible with skulltag content. Containing 2 playerclasses, the human resistance and the Terminator, along with 22 deathmatch maps inspired by the terminator series. contains custom bots, full weapon replacers and InstaGib/Buckshot modifiers.
Credits: Mappers: "SkeletronMK666", "TheOneAndOnlyBloo, AKA Bloo"

Game: The Terminator: Future Shock
Year: 1995
Composed by: Andy Warr
MIDI versions: GM, FM
Platform: DOS
Additional info: This is a CD version rip. There two types of files, HMI and XMI. XMI are kind of leftovers from diskette version, which contain GM and FM version. CD version is GM only and contains more tracks.


Playtesting and feedback:

Willy, Aura, Ludwig, Arrowhead, Ludi , Zero Senki, Kappeli47, Jaygr,Lil'ruff, Dreamskull, Xenaero, in his sexualtension, BOBBY, TTP,[YT] Bigbad75, Iko, matacrat, lgmaire, Perry3612, ExWiz ,MajaMystic, PALZAARA PEAK999 Cyclobomber, SkeletronMK666, DreamSkull

Human Resistance guns where partially tested by "JohnSuitepee"

Special Thanks to Kaapeli47 and the Euroboros community!
Base: 3d models downloaded and bought from various places, along with sprites form realm 667 and music form various termiantor games. see credits for details.
Build time: serveral years
Editor(s) used: Blender, Paint.net, Ultimate DOOM Builder
Bugs: if you play this in single player maps, the random gun spawns may break the map if it requires you to pick up a gun to progress

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