Title: The Ad Mortem DM Series for Doom2
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/a-c/admortem.zip
Size: 724.49 KB
Date: 12/25/97
Author: Bobby Pavlock (aka "Xcalibur)
Description: These levels are designed especially for DeathMatch. They are all completely designed by me from scratch using Waded. They all are good for 1 on 1 as well as 4 players. All of theses levels are designed for fast, hard-core fraggin'.
Credits: iD Software for DOOM 2 Author of Waded, Matt Ayres Everyone who helped me playtesting.
Base: All new levels from scratch
Build time: 5-6 hours each hours
Editor(s) used: Waded
Bugs: None known
Rating: (5 votes)

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These were made by the guy who compiled Dwango X, and all of these maps can be found in that set. Pretty decent considering their age especially, I've had some good frags in DX.x
I'll give a 4 because A) it is really unique yet B) should have been combined to be more efficient on the players.x

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