Title: August03.wad
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/a-c/august03.zip
Size: 16.23 KB
Date: 06/18/96
Author: Kenneth Jacobsen (TheAugustMan)
Description: A level for Deathmatch only. It's sort of an "arena-style" level and even though it's big, it's quite simple so you still can get some action going with 2 players only. I recommend 3 or 4 players for a good game though.

In my opinion, DEATHMATCH 2.0 sucks but I admit that it's great for a level like this so please play this level with DEATHMATCH 2.0 rules. HINT: To get the Rocket/SuperShotgun/MegaArmor you need to *RUN* from top of the cross... and when I say *RUN* I mean running DIAGONAL (shift-forward-strafe)...it makes you run a bit faster in case you didn't know...try it! Note: * skill 1/2 All weapons available except the BFG * * skill 3/4/5 all weapons available INCLUDING the BFG! *

Hope it rocks on your network/modem; that's what it's made for!...
Credits: The authors of the programs i've used, id...
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: A couple of decades maybe...! :)
Editor(s) used: DCK2.2 and DEU2
Bugs: None as I know
Rating: (1 vote)

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Pretty decent outdoor grassy map.x

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