Title: Bahdko1 for Doom II
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/a-c/bahdko1.zip
Size: 18.69 KB
Date: 04/14/03
Author: BahdKo
Description: This is the final version of my first public release deathmatch map. Its file information is: BAHDKO1 WAD 46,992 03-28-03 3:27a. I had originally intended it as only for 4 or more players, but playtesting has shown it to work reasonably well as a large 1 on 1 map too.
Credits: Thanks to Anders Johnsen for fixing the exit door and straightening out a few other technical glitches that I was unable to fix within Deep97.
Base: Level from scratch
Build time: Over a year
Editor(s) used: Deep97 Shareware
Bugs: None
Rating: (6 votes)

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Very well balanced vanilla-compatible duel map. For fans of stuff like Dwango6 Map01.x

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