Title: BFG Trap v1.0
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/a-c/bfgtrap.zip
Size: 25.72 KB
Date: 02/03/96
Author: Scott Balay (Vertigo)
Description: Here is my very first level. Tested to be quite fun with 3 or more players in a deathmatch game. Features: teleports, long staircases, imbedded crushing ceilings, dark "sniper" positions, and a very interesting "one-way" wall, that lets you fire at someone who's going for the BFG. You can see through the wall from your side, but they can't see through theirs. I hope to make a version with all new sounds and graphics. Until then, play this one! Try it out, its not bad! The exit isn't clearly marked--it's a big skull switch.
Credits: id Software -- I can't wait for Quake!
Base: None
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Wad Author
Bugs: None

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